Terms of use & Conditions

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Acceptance of the Terms of Use
Babyowl.gr is an e-commerce store selling products (hereinafter "e-shop") of the company named Babyowl , which is located in Lambi Beach, Kos 85300 Kos with G.E.M.H. number 146283120000 (hereinafter "Company").
Each user who enters, transacts or uses the services of the e-shop (hereinafter the "Customer" or the "User" respectively) may consent to the terms and conditions and communicate with the Company and the e-shop according to the full address and contact details (telephone, fax, e-mail) listed on the special page "Contact". Access in any way to the e-shop babyowl.gr and use of it (including simple navigation in it) indicates unconditional acceptance by the user of the Terms of Use, as in force at any time.
Modification of the Terms of Use
The Company reserves the right to unilaterally amend or renew the Terms of Use and any other rules governing the use of the online store babyowl.gr at its sole discretion.
The use of the online store babyowl.gr is subject to the Terms of Use in force at the time of use. The user must periodically check the Terms of Use in order to be informed of their content. It goes without saying, but it is noted that the subsequent modification of terms does not cover orders that the user has already placed.
Information & Products provided
The Company is committed to the accuracy, truth and completeness of the information provided in the online store, regarding the identity of the Company and the transactions provided through the online store. The company, in the context of good faith, is not responsible and is not bound by entries of electronic data that were made in error in common experience and is entitled to correct them at any time - and in any way - to become aware of their existence.
Limitation of the Company's liability
Under any circumstances, including the case of negligence, the Company is not liable for any form of damage suffered by the visitor/user of the pages, services, options and contents of the Company which he/she undertakes on his/her own initiative and with the knowledge of the terms of the present.
The Company makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it conveys and presents, as indicated and conveyed by its suppliers. The Company informs the customer/user in a timely manner each time about the availability or not of the products and cannot guarantee their availability, as this is beyond its capabilities. What is contained in the online store babyowl.gr is provided "as is" without any guarantee expressed and / or implied in any way. Therefore, the Company shall not be liable for any liability arising from the information, products and companies mentioned, since the aforementioned are presented exactly as indicated and transferred by the suppliers.
The Company does not guarantee that the pages, services, options and contents will be provided without interruption, without errors and that errors will be corrected.
Also, the Company does not guarantee that the same or any other related site or the "servers" through which they are made available to you, are provided to you without "viruses" or other harmful components. Any costs of any possible - as above - corrections or services are borne by the visitor/user and in no case the Company.

Intellectual and industrial property rights
Apart from the expressly mentioned exceptions (copyright and trademarks of third parties, partners and institutions), all the content of the online store babyowl.gr, including images, graphics, photographs, drawings, texts, the services provided and generally all its products, constitute intellectual property, registered trademarks and service marks of the Company and are protected under the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions. Consequently, none of them may be sold, copied, modified, reproduced, republished, uploaded, transmitted or distributed in any way, in whole or in part, with the exception of personal use only, i.e. not for public or commercial use and without deleting the indication of their origin, without always affecting in any way the relevant intellectual and industrial property rights. Exceptionally, the above may be authorised only subject to the prior written consent of the companies and provided that the relevant rights of the companies are concerned.
It is not allowed to create and / or publish a database containing parts of the e-shop babyowl.gr without the prior express and written consent of the Company. In no case the use of the products on our website should or can be understood as a transfer of the right to use or license them.
The other products or services mentioned on the web pages of this e-shop and bearing the trademarks of the respective organizations, companies, partners, associations or publications, are their intellectual and industrial property and therefore they bear the relevant responsibility.

Responsibility of the visitor/user
The visitor/user of the pages and services of the Company assumes responsibility for any damage that may be caused to the Company by poor or improper use of the Material and the e-shop. The Company cannot interfere with the data transferred by the user.
Users of the website accept and fully agree with these terms and undertake not to use it for harassment of third parties in any way, storage of personal data of other users, sending, publishing, sending by e-mail or transmission by other means of any Material that is illegal, threatening, abusive, annoying, vulgar and may cause damage to the Company and the online store.
The user also agrees that all employees, partners and management of the Company are not responsible for third parties who use its website.
Pricing Policy
The prices of the online store may change at any time without notice. The Company is not responsible and does not cover any differences in the prices of products purchased and the Customer subsequently found the existence of a lower price in its online store or vice versa.
In the context of good faith and for your protection, if you find that a product is offered at an unusually low or high price compared to its market value, before proceeding with the order, please contact the Customer Service Department at the details available on the special page "Contact Us".
Right of Return
The consumer has 14 calendar days to withdraw from the distance contract without giving reasons and without any charge other than the direct cost of returning the goods. The consumer shall return the goods without undue delay and in any event within 14 calendar days from the day on which he has informed the supplier of his decision to withdraw from the contract by completing the withdrawal form and in the condition in which he received the product. Subsequently, the Company will return to the user/visitor the money corresponding to the value of the product after telephone communication and consultation with him, while the user/visitor will be obliged to return the product accordingly.
Returns are accepted as above, only if the products you wish to return are in the original condition in which you received them, i.e. they have not been abused or their packaging has been altered. Also, in order to ensure the correct application of the procedure and to verify the purchase of the returned products, we recommend that the returned products are accompanied by the retail sales receipt or invoice. For products where it is stated in the description that there is an Agency Guarantee, the returned products should be checked by the respective agency. If it is established by the dealership that the returned product has been used, then the withdrawal procedure cannot be applied.

Cancellation of order
The customer has the right to cancel the order at any time, either by phone or by sending an email to info@babyowl.gr. If the order has been prepaid and then cancelled, we will follow the refund procedure by depositing the money in your bank account.

Before submitting your order, you can technically remove the quantities of Products from your cart that you do not wish to order by pressing the [x] button which activates the removal of the respective Products. In addition, you can increase or decrease the quantities of the Products you have placed in your cart by writing the number of pieces you wish to purchase in the special field and pressing the blue button of the cart refresh next to it.

After notification of receipt of your order you can cancel your order by sending an email to info@babyowl.gr.

In addition, in the event that babyowl.gr modifies your order in accordance with the provisions herein, you have the option to cancel your order in its entirety or the part of it that cannot be executed by us.

After receipt of the product, the order is cancelled by exercising the Right of Withdrawal. Any refusal by you to receive your Products upon delivery by the carrier is equivalent to a withdrawal, the exercise of which is subject to the provisions of the Product Return Policy of our store.

Supplier's liability and guarantee
Unless otherwise provided, warranty is provided for the products of the online store according to the specific terms and conditions stated in the supplier's warranty statement enclosed in each product package. The time of warranties may be revised by the supplier, however any such change will not affect products ordered prior to the date of such change.

Personal Data Protection
Personal data is processed in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR 2016/679), any specific national and European legislation for certain sectors, the applicable Greek legislation for the protection of personal data, as well as for the protection of personal data and privacy in the electronic communications sector (Law 3471/2006 , as amended) and the decisions of the Personal Data Protection Authority (Hellenic Data Protection Authority).
The visitor/user can visit the online store babyowl.gr without revealing his/her identity and without providing any personal information without his/her explicit consent.
However, in order for the visitor/user to be able to place orders and possibly receive electronic information material (e.g. Newsletter) sent by the Company, in order to be informed about issues concerning both him/her and the Company, as well as his/her purchases and to receive future benefits from the Company, he/she explicitly consents by filling in the relevant form to the registration in the services of the e-shop and to the provision of the following data (Name, Address, E-mail address, Telephone) to the Company in order to become its customer. In addition, the Company may archive any purchases made by its users/visitors in order to upgrade its services, while at the same time the registered users/visitors are provided with the opportunity to access any orders they may have placed.
Every reasonable measure of protection has been taken to secure your data. In addition, unauthorised access to your personal data by unauthorised persons is expressly prohibited.

Use of Personal Data
The Company fully complies with the provisions of Law 2472/1997, as in force, on the protection of personal data. Any processing of users' personal data by the Company is carried out with the express consent of the user, for the following purposes. The purpose of any processing of personal data of users by the Company is to enable visitors/users of the e-shop to place orders, to receive in the future electronic information material (e.g. Newsletter) from the Company on issues concerning the visitors/users, future communication or information about the products and services of the Company and the future provision of preferential services by the Company regarding the use of the e-shop, as well as in order to enable the visitors/users of the e-shop to place orders, to receive in the future electronic information material (e.g. Newsletter) from the Company on issues concerning the visitors/users, future communication or information about the products and services of the Company and the future provision of preferential services by the Company regarding the use of the e-shop, as well as in order to provide the visitors/users of the e-shop with the possibility of receiving information from the Company in the future. The information voluntarily provided by the users of the e-shop is used in order for the users to have direct and effective communication with the Company and, to provide them with answers to specific questions they ask and finally to serve and execute their orders optimally.  
The Company does not distribute to any other organization or partner that is not associated with it the e-mail addresses or any other information concerning its users and customers, but only to the advertised suppliers of the products for the purposes of purchasing them.

Disclosure of Personal Data
The Company has the right to disclose any personal information that users provide to third parties that are not subsidiaries or affiliated companies exclusively and only in the following cases:
(a) in order to comply with requirements of law, court orders or government regulations;
(b) in order to defend and protect its rights or property,
(c) to act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal security of its users, its Internet sites or the public.

Data protection
The Company is committed to protecting the personal information and data provided by visitors/users. For this purpose, it has taken the necessary technical security measures and organization of processing of personal data of users. The personal information collected is stored on password-controlled restricted access servers and the Company uses special technologies and procedures to enhance the protection of this information against loss or misuse, as well as to protect it from unauthorized access, disclosure, modification or destruction. However, although the Company makes every effort to protect the above information, the Company cannot guarantee that the above technologies and procedures will never be compromised in any way.
To this end, if any visitor/user becomes aware of any illegal, malicious, inappropriate or improper use of personal data, which are in any way related to the use of the e-shop, he/she undertakes to notify the Company immediately. Otherwise, he will be liable to the Company.

GDPR context
The company is fully compliant with the GDPR framework. The customers of our online store have the possibility at any time they wish to delete/modify the data they have registered in our online store, through the section GDPR tools, or send us a request which will be implemented within the timeframe provided by the current regulation.

Rights of access and objection
Users of the online store are entitled to be informed by the Company as to whether their personal data are processed by the Company and/or to object to the processing of their personal data and in particular to request their correction, temporary non-use, blocking, non-transmission or even deletion. The relevant request, as far as the Company is concerned, must be signed, in writing and must relate to a specific request and/or action, sent to the following address: 'www.babyowl.gr' and accompanied by proof of the identity of the applicants (SIGNATURE IDENTIFICATION). The Company is obliged to reply in writing within an exclusive period of fifteen (15) calendar days from receipt of the request.

With regard to the Company, in order to exercise the rights of information, access and objection (Articles 11, 12 and 13 respectively of Law 2472/1997), the user may contact the competent controller of the Company at the address "www.babyowl.gr" and at the contact telephone numbers as indicated in the relevant section "Contact".

Non-personal information
When visiting the Company's online store, it is possible to collect some data that cannot be associated with a specific person (non-personal), which help the Company exclusively in providing better services to its customers. For example, the "domains" from which visits originate are recorded and the activities of visitors to the Company's websites are measured, but in such a way that the data collected remain non-personal, i.e. unable to identify the identity of the user. This information is also called "clickstream" data and is used and analysed only in aggregate, in order to understand trends and patterns. This information is not considered at the level of individual users. The Company may use this data to analyze trends and statistics and therefore provide better service to its customers.
The collection of the above information is carried out through so-called "cookies". This technology does not collect any personal information. A cookie is a set of data which is in the form of a small anonymous trace ("text file") which can be sent from the online shop to the user's computer browser, then stored there and through it the user's computer can be identified, but not the user himself. Cookies help in many ways to make visiting the Company's online store more fun and interesting for the user. The user can, if they wish, disable cookies completely in their browser. However, if this is done, some websites may not function properly.
"Hyperlinks" (links) to other sites
The Company does not control the availability, the content, the personal data protection policy, the quality and completeness of the services of other web sites and pages to which it refers through hyperlinks or advertising banners. Therefore, for any problem that may occur during the visit/use, the visitor/user must address directly to the respective web sites and pages, which are responsible for the provision of their services. The Company should not be considered under any circumstances as endorsing or accepting the content or services of the web sites and pages to which it refers or that it is linked to them in any way. The Company provides these links only to facilitate the use of the website. It should be noted that their use by the visitor/customer is not mandatory.

Any electronic information material (e.g. Newsletters) which the Company sends from time to time, is the intellectual property of the Company and is therefore protected by the relevant provisions of Greek law and international conventions. The Company reserves the right not to register a person in the mailing lists or to remove him/her from them. In order for the visitor/user to receive electronic informative material (e.g. Newsletters) of the Company, the visitor/user expressly consents to the registration to the services of the e-shop and to the provision of the following data (Name, Address, E-mail address, Telephone) to the Company, which are subject to the terms of Personal Data Protection - as above. The user is given the opportunity to delete his/her name from the respective lists in each electronic newsletter (e.g. Newsletters).
The Company is not responsible if the newsletters do not reach their destination and also if they end up in the "spam" folder. In any case, you can declare the Company's delivery address as safe.

Although the Company makes every effort to protect the online store from digital viruses and / or any other type of harmful or destructive files and / or programs designed to interfere, destroy or limit the operation of any software or telecommunications equipment, it cannot guarantee that the online store will never be affected by such elements. Therefore, the integrity and preservation of the software systems and equipment of each visitor/user is subject to his/her own diligence and the Company will not be liable in the event that the electronic equipment (software and hardware) of the users is attacked by "viruses" and other harmful files as exposed above.

The babyowl.gr supports SSL protocol 2048 bits

Violation of the terms of use
In case of false data on the part of the user, an investigation will be carried out by the Company. In any case of violation of these Terms of Use, users will be liable to compensation for any positive and / or consequential damage to the Company. The failure of the Companies to exercise their rights under these Terms of Use does not imply a waiver of these rights.
The Advertiser and the Company expressly reserves the right to monitor the application of these rules in its sole discretion.

Conditions for making purchases - Coupons
Through the e-shop, products and services of the Company and third party suppliers are advertised and promoted. Any special discounted prices are valid for a specific time and quantity, as defined each time in each offer and in accordance with the terms and conditions stated in this offer and subject to the necessary condition of the completion of a minimum number of buyers, which are exposed to the user before the expression of interest. Any products may be purchased at the special discounted price by the user subject to these terms and conditions, which the user accepts fully and unconditionally. Each user/visitor may make purchases of the products advertised through the online store.
The user/visitor may select the products he/she wishes from the products offered. The Company may freely add and remove products in the online store. The Company is not responsible for the availability of the product, which is presented exactly as conveyed by the supplier of the product. The mere search of a product does not imply its obligatory purchase.
The prices of the advertised products for the entire period indicated include VAT - if subject to VAT - but do not include any shipping costs, which are however analysed before the order is completed. Suppliers of the products are responsible for the necessary guarantees, licences, registrations with authorities/registries and markings of their products.
The Company participates in the sale of the product without exercising control or being able to guarantee the quality, safety, legality, actual or legal defects of the products/services promoted, nor the legal capacity and/or legitimacy of the users/visitors to make the purchase.
Any specifications of the products and information mentioned in the offer and relating to the offered products, are made according to information and instructions that the Company has received from the supplier and for which the Company bears no responsibility.

In any case, the respective supplying company is solely liable to the customer, while the Company will mediate any problems that may arise and will have all information regarding the properties of the product sold in Greek. The scope of the Company's responsibilities also extends to technical support, but with a role and responsibility to record any problems and not to any other interfering role, such as but not limited to that of replacement and/or repair of defective products.

The Company bears no responsibility for any timely delivery of the products by the companies cooperating with the suppliers. The Company is not responsible for delays in execution (including delivery) due to circumstances beyond its fault or due to force majeure and shall be entitled to an extension of time for execution. Examples include strikes, acts of terrorism, war, supplier / transportation / production problems, currency fluctuations, governmental or legislative acts and natural disasters. If such incidents last more than one month, the order may be terminated without compensation by either party. 
In accordance with Directive 2013/11/EC, which was incorporated in Greece with Decree-Law 70330/2015, the possibility of electronic resolution of consumer disputes with the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process throughout the European Union is now provided for. If the customer has the status of a consumer (i.e. a natural person acting in a non-professional capacity) and has any problem with a purchase made from our Website, he can initiate the ADR procedure through the single EU-wide platform for electronic dispute resolution (platform HED) that is available here

The Company guarantees that it does not archive credit card numbers and their security information in any way, as any registration on the part of users/visitors is done on a third party website, secure and certified. Therefore, the Company cannot be held responsible for any misuse of the relevant data. The Company bears no responsibility in case of illegal use of credit cards. The provision of credit card details indicates the consent of the user/buyer to freeze the amount of the offer and, in case of activation of the offer, to charge the credit card. In the event that the credit card transaction is rejected for any reason by the issuing bank or the credit card network, including indicative reasons such as exceeding the credit limit or suspected fraud, then the user is considered not to make a purchase.

Final Disposition
This agreement is governed by Greek law. Any dispute or conflict regarding the execution, application or interpretation of this and in general what concerns the relationships that will be created from it, will be resolved by the Courts, which are hereby made exclusively competent.